filter-line Potsdam

Brothels & nudist clubs, walk in brothels and more in Potsdam

Due to the proximity to the federal capital Berlin, there are relatively few brothels and clubs in Potsdam. However, for some time now there have been reports in the local press about the construction of a large brothel. However, there are no concrete indications as to where this establishment will ultimately be located. 

If you don't feel like searching for a long time, you can find the Weiss brothel in Schoppenhauer Straße 9 directly in Potsdam. Otherwise, the enthusiastic brothel-goer naturall...

Brothels & sex-clubs in Potsdam


Blogs in Potsdam


Brothels & nudist clubs, walk in brothels and more in Potsdam

Due to the proximity to the federal capital Berlin, there are relatively few brothels and clubs in Potsdam. However, for some time now there have been reports in the local press about the construction of a large brothel. However, there are no concrete indications as to where this establishment will ultimately be located. 

If you don't feel like searching for a long time, you can find the Weiss brothel in Schoppenhauer Straße 9 directly in Potsdam. Otherwise, the enthusiastic brothel-goer naturally has nearby Berlin, which proves to be a true Eldorado for the lonely gentleman. Whether it's a sauna club, night bar or lap dance - the brothels in the capital are open around the clock. 

Otherwise, the many hobby whores and amateur hookers from Potsdam are at your disposal, which you can book via Some of the horny prostitutes even work in flats that would pass for small brothels in other areas. Several prostitutes share the rooms, some of which have a real red light ambience.