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Escorts in Köln - models, callgirls & escort service in Köln

Are you looking for an escort in Cologne? The beautiful city on the Rhine has much more to offer than the cathedral, carnival, 1st FC Cologne or the billy goat Hennes - so lovers of red light models will find a huge selection of independent escorts and high class call girls in the most populous city in NRW. Those who like it more discreet and prefer to book their erotic escort through an escort agency can fall back on a reputable escort service such as "Linda Schweitzer" or "Donna Escort". The f...

Escorts in Köln


Blogs in Köln

My 2 cents

Escort & Bücher = Die Rochade für die Dame

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"Die Dame beschützt den König. Zu mindest beim Schach ♟️ Im wahren Leben sollte es anders herum sein. Aber ist es wirklich so? " Ich saß heute Mittag auf der Bank am Decksteiner Weiher, gegenüber dem See und dachte über mein Freundschaft Plus nach. Um genauer gesagt, um mein Ex-Freundschaft Plus, denn wir haben es gerade unerwartet beendet.  Schade, aber besser so.  Das Schachspielen mit ihm wird mir fehlen. Und für eine Weile bestimmt das Eine auch, denn wenn das nicht sofort beim ers
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My 2 cents

Kate & Leopold

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n NICHT per Knopfdruck mit elektronischen Dateanfrage geht und der Mann anananrururufen soll. 🤷‍♀️ Ich frage mich oft, in welcher Zeitpunkt haben wir unseren Männer dermaßen kastriert, dass sie so Weicheier geworden sind? Vor zehn Jahren, oder Fünfzehn? Ich erinnere mich an die Zeit, wo es noch nicht ganz so schlimm war. So eine Zeitmaschine wäre gar nicht mal so verkehrt! 😜 Ich habe eben darüber nachgedacht, in welche Epoche würde ich zurückgehen wollen, wenn es ginge. 🤔 Hm. Angesichts der Tats
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Premiere von Nabucco

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einer Begleitung genau richtig, direkt Oben Recht, wo die ganzen Insider sitzen, teilweise stehen, und die Vorführung beobachten. Es sind offensichtlich auch Opera Sänger dabei, weil Zwei in der großen Pause auf der Treppe runterlaufend, anfingen zu singen. Ich bin einmal versehentlich die falsche Treppe genommen um das Bad aufzusuchen und von einer Dame wurde ich sofort zu recht gewiesen, dass ich mich in der Backstage befinde, wo ich nichts zu suchen habe. Aber jetzt mit meinem Handy offen in
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My 2 cents

Spontan / mit Vorlaufzeit

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inem Haus und Hotelbesuch kommt noch die Anfahrtszeit dazu. Seid ihr eher spontan? Oder bevorzugt ihr ein Vorlaufzeit von mindestens 1 Tag? Ich bevorzuge lieber mindestens 1 Tag Vorlaufzeit. Auch spontane Treffen waren bisher schön. Mit Date Partner, die ich schon länger kenne. Einmal war es ein Unbekannter, der mich sehr sympathisch angeschrieben hat. Alles geklärt und die Anzahlung kam relativ schnell. Das Treffen fand ca. 2 Stunden später statt. Ab wann ist man noch spontan? 1, 2, 3, 4....
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My 2 cents

Mein bester Ich

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obby liebe, so sehr beneide ich manchmal meine Freundinnen für ihre unglaubliche Naivität. Keine von denen hat je Escort gemacht. (Bis auf Eine, aber die zähle ich nicht zu meine engsten Freundinnen.)  Weil es so ist wie es ist, habe ich irgendwann angefangen an mich selbst zu konzentrieren. Mich selbst zu verbessern. Ich will die beste Person werden die ich sein kann. Ich will Italienisch können um die Opera Life ohne Subtitles verstehen zu können, Spanisch, weil ich die Lieder auf denen i
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2x kalten Schauer

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war es auch ein Hindernis in vielen Hinsicht. Aber inzwischen weiß ich es, dass es eine ganze Reihe von Berufen gibt, die schwierig sind. Gesellschaftlich gesehen, meine ich. Über Escort verkehrt man quer durch die Gesellschaft, in wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, und in Laufe der Jahres habe ich so einige Polizisten von der Kripo, oder Richter, Finanzamt Beamten.... und der anderen Liga der Gesellschaft, wie einigen von Hells Angels Jungs kennengelernt. Kann ich ja nie von Vorn herein wissen wer mich
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Adios Málaga

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Nächstes den Jungen mitbringen soll. Der Ducati muss jetzt mit ins Bett nachts, was ich ihm geschenkt habe. Vielleicht ein Kawasaki? Ich freue mich jetzt schon! Kindern etwas zu schenken ist immer was besonderes. Vor allem, wenn es um die Kindern meine engsten Freunde geht. Denn die sind die Kinder meinen engsten Freunden. Von Grund auf die Besten. (Neben meinem eigenen Sohn selbstverständlich. ;) “Aber Mano. Warum müssen die so weit weg sein?!” Tja. Andererseits, bleibe ich ja selbst nicht in D
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Der Schnee vom Kilimandscharo

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eben wartet nicht. Es passiert JETZT. 
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My 2 cents


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Escort unter anderem auch wegen der Diskretion.
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Sex & erotic

Der Kick des Verbotenes

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gleitung meine ich. )  Ich holte eine Kondome aus meiner Tasche, zog ihm drüber und legte mich neben ihm in Löffelchen. Wir hörten nebenan ein Kind zu reden, aber sie konnten uns nicht sehen.  "Ich hoffe, sie gehen nicht schwimmen!" Sagte ihm. Wir konnten sie nicht verstehen, aber es war eindeutig eine Stimme von einem Kind und einem Mann nebenan. Um ehrlich zu sein, mir wäre es lieber gewesen ein Pärchen das auch herumvögelt, als eventuell von einem Kind dabei erwischt zu werden, aber
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My 2 cents

Schwer, im moment Spaß zu haben

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r eine andere Escort reingekommen; mir hat immer ihr Lifestyle gefallen und die Freiheiten die sie dadurch hat. Ein paar kleine Dates hatte ich schon. Soweit so gut.  Aber warum ich eigentlich schreibe ist weil ich gern wissen würde wie ihr damt umgeht, dass es um uns herum alles so ist wie es ist. Ich will nicht politisch werden aber ich fühle mich gar nicht richtig dabei das hier momentan zu machen, weil mich alles runterzieht.  Habt ihr da Methoden, die euch helfen den Fokus anders
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Ein Traum ist am Geboren

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ilen?  Ich finde alleine die Vorstellung schon romantisch. Aber Gefühle kann man nicht erzwingen. Man kann sie nicht planen. Und es ist gut so.  Deswegen, ich plane diese Reise und vielleicht schließt sich noch jemanden an. Und ich mache mich jetzt schon mal schlau über das Verhalten der Wölfe...für den Fall der Fälle. ;)
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Escorts in Köln - models, callgirls & escort service in Köln

Are you looking for an escort in Cologne? The beautiful city on the Rhine has much more to offer than the cathedral, carnival, 1st FC Cologne or the billy goat Hennes - so lovers of red light models will find a huge selection of independent escorts and high class call girls in the most populous city in NRW. Those who like it more discreet and prefer to book their erotic escort through an escort agency can fall back on a reputable escort service such as "Linda Schweitzer" or "Donna Escort". The fact that sex is a big deal in Cologne has been known at least since "Langer Tünn" & "Abels Männ", two legendary figures from the wicked heyday of the Cologne red-light district.

If you are looking for an erotic adventure in Cologne, then Kaufmich is the right place for you. Here you will find your special escort or call girl from Cologne, Düsseldorf and the surrounding area among hundreds of breathtaking girls. Just look around and find your attractive and sensual escort lady in Cologne. With a sexy escort you can stroll on the Domplatte, arrange a stylish meal in one of the numerous restaurants, e.g. in the Belgian quarter, or spend intimate hours in a luxurious hotel with a charming lady from the escort service of your choice.

If you are looking for an escort in Cologne, you will quickly find a lady on who will blow your mind. Whether you are looking for escorts, models, call girls or an escort agency in Cologne: Your possibilities are endless with us. With the attractive escort ladies you can discover the beautiful metropolis or turn night into day, just the way you like it. How about a walk through the beautiful old town along the Rhine, for example? Or a date for a dinner or drink by candlelight? Or a hot club night in the sexy company of a hot escort from Cologne? Also the shopping miles invite you to visit to get the little black dress for a stylish visit to the opera or sexy dessous for an unforgettable hotel visit in Cologne full of eroticism and sex. Our escort models always have some sensual and sinful ideas and will give you an unforgettable date. No matter what you decide, with an escort from Cologne you can make your visit to Cologne an erotic highlight. You can find exclusive escorts, models and attractive call girls online to suit your taste or an escort agency that has the right lady for you! We tell you what makes them so unique!

Escorts in Cologne - more than a sex date

With our escorts from Cologne you will not only experience pure passion and lustful eroticism, but also unforgettable moments. They take time for you, discover the Rhineland metropolis with you, accompany you to events and give you carefree days and hours. The escort ladies of Cologne are known for their joie de vivre and will show you what the Rheinland lifestyle is all about. Their profiles are already waiting for you and we invite you to browse through them. The escorts from Cologne have authentic pictures of themselves and openly state which service they offer, which preferences they have and you have all the information about them at a glance. You can book them discreetly and quickly online via How you arrange your meeting is up to you and the escort ladies. The call girls are like Cologne itself, interesting and colourful and there is a suitable lady for every taste and preference. If you prefer it more personal and would like comprehensive and trustworthy advice for your wishes, you can contact one of the countless escort agencies for planning an escort date in Cologne. In our Kaufmich magazine we also regularly present our escort of the month. Let us seduce you and discover it for yourself!

Discover Cologne with an attractive escort

Have you chosen one of our attractive escort ladies and would like to make an erotic meeting very special? shows you the erotic highlights of the cathedral city! From tingling boutiques to erotic massages in Cologne as sensual foreplay to an unforgettable visit to a stylish swingers club. With us you will find the hottest addresses where you can spend unforgettable and erotic hours with your escort from Cologne. Try out something new and experience the time with an escort from Cologne in a special ambience. It is possible to enjoy a spontaneous meeting in a very relaxed way. The stylish escorts from Cologne know how to adapt to the most diverse occasions. And that is what makes them so special. Because they are also no strangers to profound and sophisticated conversations. They are not only breathtakingly attractive and full of sex appeal, but also their lust for life, empathy and naturalness will enchant you. So book your escort for a home or hotel visit today, discreetly and without complications! How to find the perfect escort?

Find the perfect Escort from Cologne

Are you looking for an escort in Cologne? The beautiful city on the Rhine has much more to offer than the cathedral, carnival, 1st FC Cologne or the goat Hennes - so lovers of red light models will find a huge selection of independent escorts and high class call girls in the most populated city in North Rhine-Westphalia. Those who like it more discreet and prefer to book their erotic escort through an escort agency can fall back on a reputable escort service such as "Linda Schweitzer" or "Donna Escort". The fact that sex is a big deal in Cologne has been known at least since "Langer Tünn" & "Abels Männ", two legendary figures from the wicked golden age of the Cologne red-light district. 

If you are looking for an erotic adventure in Cologne, then Kaufmich is the right place for you. Here you will find your special escort or call girl from Cologne, Düsseldorf and the surrounding area among hundreds of breathtaking girls. Just look around and find your attractive and sensual escort lady in Cologne. With a sexy escort you can take a stroll on the Domplatte, make an appointment for a stylish meal in one of the numerous restaurants, e.g. in the Belgian quarter, or spend intimate hours in a luxurious hotel with a charming lady from the escort service of your choice.

The escorts and call girls from Cologne can describe themselves in detail in the private profiles. Besides details about their appearance, their body and pictures of the lady, you will also find personal interests. And according to that you can filter the ladies. For them it's not about the number of men, but how they spend time together with their clients, so it's important to many that you are likeable. This also makes them want more and just like you, they are in the mood for love, lust and adventure during a meeting. For most people, sex and eroticism are the icing on the cake after a successful evening for two. And how it is arranged is up to you. Most of the escort ladies and also the escort agencies from Cologne are open to your wishes and ideas so that nothing can go wrong on a sex date. Their priority is to meet all the demands of their clients. Each of the Cologne escorts, whether through an agency or directly through, has their own style and personality. Discretion is always a priority with all of them and you can finally live out your fantasies and let yourself be pampered!


You will also find:

Horny whores in Cologne

Strict Dominas in Cologne

Erotic massages in Cologne

Modern brothels in Cologne

Gangbang near you

Sex with TS girls in Cologne

Simply horny sex and eroticism in Cologne as you like it!


What makes and the network special?

With our brothel community we want to bring the world's oldest business and sex into the 21st century and the city of your choice. Our network consists of escorts, hobby whores & hookers as well as brothels, sex and swingers clubs all over Germany. The sex contacts are very diverse: from pretty models from Hamburg to young students who offer their services as pocket money ladies besides their studies, dominas who wait in their SM studios and professional brothels. Everyone will find what they are looking for. We also offer various events and clubs, as well as an exciting sex magazine. Registering on our site is free and only takes a few minutes. Afterwards you have access to the countless erotic contacts and you can also advertise yourself or your business.

Brothels & nudist clubs, playhouses or whorehouses in your city

As a client, you will find the best brothels & nudist clubs, playhouses and whorehouses or studios where you can pay a spontaneous visit today. Here you can live out your erotic fantasies and fetishes, experience sensual massages with a happy ending and much more. From small establishments to exorbitant erotic temples, they all make your erotic wishes come true. There is a suitable offer for everyone, because in addition to pure sex, many also offer you role-play, threesomes, gangbangs, oral sex, anal sex, BDSM and much more. On you will find an overview of different brothels & swingers clubs in your area that are professionally dedicated to all kinds of sex. If you run a brothel or sex studio yourself, you can register and advertise it with us.

Erotic contacts to amateur whores, pocket money ladies & hookers

In addition to the professional brothels & sex clubs, you will find offers from hobby whores & hookers. Pretty girls for every taste offer their services privately and can publish pictures and information about themselves on their own sex profile. If you are looking for a private and discreet erotic adventure, you will have a good chance to meet a horny housewife, student or single woman on, who earns some extra money by playing dirty as a hobby whore. The course of the sex meeting and the type of game is up to you. Some of the pocket money ladies can be visited, others come to you or meet you in a hotel. As a hobby whore or dominatrix who offers love for sale, you are in the right place: register now for free!

Find escorts and escort agencies near you on our site

Nowhere else will you find such a large selection of beautiful escorts as here. We offer you a directory of agencies and independent escorts throughout Germany. Whether as a stylish and charming escort to social occasions like a reception or to a nice dinner or even as an escort for a swingers club. The ladies offer various services: erotic massages, oral sex, anal sex, S&M, BDSM, fetish, striptease and fantasies. But our sexy escorts are also available for a nice chat. Some also have their own flat or travel to you to stay overnight. Agencies and independent escorts can register here and create a profile!

Erotic massages from experienced masseuses

Relax completely with an erotic massage. On you will find ladies who offer you intimate offers for a full body massage for adults. From a sensual Tantra massage to a prostate massage, you'll find it all. Increase your pleasure immeasurably and experience orgasms like never before. Some ladies who dedicate themselves to sensitive massage have developed their very own form of pampering massage. Let yourself be enchanted by these and other erotic adventures and make an appointment today for an unforgettable experience with an erotic massage.

Our erotic magazine

Discover our magazine! Here, too, it's all about sex and all sorts of other things. Here you will find erotic sex stories, we regularly present our escort of the month and report about the latest trends and topics around love, sex and lifestyle. We also inform you about various events and clubs in your area in our Kaufmich magazine.