filter-line München

Sex in München - escorts, amateur hookers and call girls are waiting for you

"Scandal in the Sperrbezirk"! 
The Spider Murphy Gang once sang about Munich. Unfortunately, almost the entire city centre is a restricted area and no escort service is allowed. Tradition, customs and beer determine life in the metropolis on the Isar. The city has one of the highest quality of life in Germany and in just a few hours' drive you can be in Milan. Of course, the surrounding area with its natural landscapes, beautiful lakes and the Alps is a real eye-catcher and invites you to many le...

Sex in München


Blogs in München

Sex & erotic

Wird Sex im Alter besser?

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Guten Morgen Ihr Lieben! 💖 Ich habe festgestellt, dass sich nicht nur die Welt verändert hat, sondern auch meine Lust oder besser gesagt mein Lustempfinden. Wenn eine Frau ein gewisses Alter erreicht hat, dann verändern sich scheinbar ein paar ganz wesentliche Dinge. Ich bin zum Beispiel viel entspannter geworden was mein Sexleben angeht. Es fühlt sich alles viel leichter und sehr viel prickelnder an wie früher.  Vielleicht kommt es auch daher, weil ich seit geraumer Zeit in einem Swingercl
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Sex & erotic

Wie kann Rotes Tantra helfen, eine tiefe Verbindung in einer Paarbeziehung aufzubauen?

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Rotes Tantra kann helfen, eine tiefe Verbindung in einer Paarbeziehung aufzubauen, indem es hilft, die sexuelle Energie und Intimität zu erhöhen. Durch sinnliche Berührung, Atmung und Meditation kann Rotes Tantra helfen, emotionale und spirituelle Intimität zu fördern.... Was sind die grundlegenden Praktiken des Roten Tantra? Die grundlegenden Praktiken des Roten Tantra beinhalten den Einsatz von sinnlicher Berührung, Atmung und Meditation, um die sexuelle Energie zu nutzen und eine höhere Bewu
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Paysex anecdotes

Es gibt sie noch... diese wunderbaren Männer

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e, tollen Sex hatte und die Chemie sofort gepasst hat. Aber ein Date habe ich in besonderrs guter Erinnerung. Nachdem ich absagen musste, weil ich einen kleinen Unfall in der Badewanne hatte (ausgerutscht und Zahn abgebrochen), hat es nach meiner Genesung endlich geklappt. Wir haben uns beide sehr darauf gefreut und obwohl ich nicht wusste, wo ich klingeln muss, sondern nur eine Whatsapp schicken soll, wenn ich da bin (worauf ich mich normalerweise nicht einlasse), hatte ich weiterhin ein gutes
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Wie mein Leben als „Luisa“ begann

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f, mich selbst besser zu verstehen und zu schätzen.  Es war der Beginn einer Reise, die mir half, meine eigenen Grenzen zu erweitern und mich in meiner Haut wirklich wohlzufühlen.
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Sex & erotic

Roter Samt - die Story für Cuckies & Wifesharer

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Am dunklen Ecktisch der Hotelbar sitze ich, ein Glas Gin Tonic in der Hand, als sie hereinkommen. Er führt sie an der Hand, stolz und strahlend. Sie ist atemberaubend in dem gewünschten Outfit, eine Verheißung in rotem Samt, der Stoff schmiegt sich an ihre Kurven, betont ihre Sinnlichkeit. Sie schmunzelt frech, frivol, vielsagend und ihre Augen funkeln vor Erregung und Lust. Der Wifesharer setzt sie behutsam auf den Barhocker neben mir, seine Berührung elektrisiert sie. Dann lässt er uns mit ei
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Daily life

Der Tag im Auto

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n die Stadt in einen hatty potter laden in dem ich noch nicht war. Mit etwas Glück geht es morgen in die Berge. 
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Mach Dir keinen Druck

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fahrungen beim Sex hast, als andere? Du  fühlst Dich dadurch minderwertig und es kratzt Dein Selbstbewusstsein  an? Dadurch kannst Du nicht so strahlen und das nächste Sexerlebnis wird  eh schwer errungen? Du musst den Druck herausnehmen und dieses ständige  Vergleichen ist doch eh Quatsch. Wer ist laut und erzählt von seinen  Sexgeschichten? Die, die nichts anderes haben um sich zu erhöhen.  Übrigens auch die, die auch nichts erleben, aber gerne Geschichten  e
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My 2 cents

Danke vom Herzen..

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auf einer pay sex Seite , aber ich sehe auch den Menschen im Kunden und ich habe hier auf km wirklich tolle Seelen kennengelernt, mit denen ich Lachen könnte, tratschen,Kaffe trinken mich über Gott und die Welt unterhalten konnte.Natürlich geht es auch um service aber ich persönlich finde die Atmosphäre macht viel aus.Ich wollte mich bedanken für all die seriösen anfragen und den Respekt von den Menschen die ich kennengelernt habe.( Da ich weiss es gibt auch andere Varianten) bin ich umso dankba
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Paysex anecdotes

Mit Ego Trip fährt man an die Wand....

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uen,sexworker mitziehen ka ne mindestens grenze bei ka 150 , oder 120 oder 100 Euro die h....viele Denken dass mit Preissenkung der Verdienst größer ist...emm wrong.den Wenn Man service für Low Budget anbietet ,ja ist das erstmal der Fall ....aber dann nach einer Zeit, wären diese low budget an der Tagesordnung die Frauen arbeiten für quasi nichts...Es wäre immer noch dem Kunden überlassen in welche Preisklasse er gehen möchte...aber wenn es sowas gäbe eine Art von Absprache...müsste freier Sex
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Sex & erotic

The joy of being a Woman....ich liebe es!

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nd offen mein sexual Leben auf dieser Plattform auszuleben!( die Gebete fürs nächste Leben wieder eine zu werden sind schon abgelegt)Ich kann natürlich nur von meiner Erfahrung ausgehen , und bezweifle auch nicht dass es viele Paare gibt die offen und ehrlich zueinander ihr Sexualleben ausleben, jedoch für mich persönlich war diese Tätigkeit ( i refuse to call IT Job) mein Befreiungsschlag!Da ich ich mit Partnerschaften vieles vorgespielt habe ,naja man wollte nicht die Ehre des Partners kränken
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Arbeit Hobby und Vergnügen

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ber wegen der Stadt in der ich es tue. Ende Mai ist es endlich wieder so weit und ich bin in München, yeahhhh. Was liebe ich diese Stadt, was liebe ich die Brezeln am Hauptbahnhof (jaha is wirklich so) und was freue ich mich wieder auf die super lieben Kunden. Mitleriwese habe ich einige Besucher die ich dann nicht zum ersten mal sehe dort und das ist sooo toll. Aber jetzt mal was ganz anderes. Jedes mal wenn ich in München bin komme ich nicht umher an die Zugspitze zu fahren, entweder ganz nac
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Sex & erotic


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Dir sagt der fetisch nichts? Nicht schlimm.  Wir aber vielleicht erahnen lässt handelt es sich um die Lust auf Menstruation.  Hier bei besonders auf das Blut und weniger auf stimmungschwankungen Wegen hormonellen Veränderungen.  Frauen wie Männer oder nonbinäre Personen können diesen fetisch besitzen und sexuelle Handlungen wärend der Periode als eregend empfinden. Wie das bei mir ist? Nun ich bin ein spielkind und äußerst neugierig also Schrecken ich auch davor nicht zurück. Tro
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Sex in München - escorts, amateur hookers and call girls are waiting for you

"Scandal in the Sperrbezirk"! 
The Spider Murphy Gang once sang about Munich. Unfortunately, almost the entire city centre is a restricted area and no escort service is allowed. Tradition, customs and beer determine life in the metropolis on the Isar. The city has one of the highest quality of life in Germany and in just a few hours' drive you can be in Milan. Of course, the surrounding area with its natural landscapes, beautiful lakes and the Alps is a real eye-catcher and invites you to many leisure activities in summer and winter. Of course, you can enjoy these all the more with a pretty escort. Numerous escort services are located in Munich and will be happy to help you find the right companion.
A highlight and something that should not be missing from any visit to Munich is the Oktoberfest. For some a culture shock - for others a hard test of their liver's capacity. Many escort services also offer escorts in sexy Dirndln during these weeks. Guests from all over the world are drawn to the Theresienwiese. Gentlemen from Japan, America or Italy especially like to show themselves in Bavarian Lederhosen. The female sex dresses up in a chic Dirndl and proudly shows off the many "Holz vor der Hüttn".  

If you're looking for sex in Munich, you can't miss! With our huge brothel community, we bring the oldest business in the world into the 21st century, because here with us, sex contacts such as escorts, amateur whores, hookers, dominas, erotic massages, brothels and shemales are waiting for you, whom you can contact discreetly online. Love for sale is more popular than ever before and while in the past you only had the possibility to visit a brothel without knowing what actually awaits you behind closed doors, with us you can simply choose your lady according to your wishes and preferences from the comfort of your own home. You will find professional ladies as well as amateurs and amateur whores and that is what makes it so exciting. Brothels, whorehouses and clubs can also advertise with us. And of course there's more: the Kaufmich magazine, our events and our blog, where we keep you up to date. If you're looking for uncomplicated sex in Munich, you don't have to look far, just choose pay sex and a sex partner that suits your taste. Whether curvy blondes with big breasts, petite Thais or sexy beauties with fire in their blood. We show you the possibilities you have with us to buy sex in Munich and experience unforgettable erotic hours.

Escorts in Munich - Models, Callgirls & Escort Service

Locals and visitors alike appreciate the beautiful capital of Bavaria and what could be better than exploring art and culture with the right companion? Our Munich escorts will spend plenty of time with you and what would all the sights be without a little sin? In a nice restaurant it tastes even better when sensuality and eroticism are in the air and with an escort you can have both. But not only for that, but also for a few nice hours in a hotel, as an escort to a business appointment or to explore the city together. You deserve to be seduced and pampered by the escorts and call girls. The ladies are also happy to fulfil your wishes when it comes to sex in Munich. Find your exclusive companion and discreetly arrange an unforgettable escort date in Munich according to your taste! If you want to go all the way, you will also find what you are looking for...

"Scandal in the Sperrbezirk"! - the Spider Murphy Gang once sang about Munich. Unfortunately, almost the entire city centre is a restricted area and no escort service is allowed. Tradition, customs and beer determine life in the metropolis on the Isar. The city has one of the highest quality of life in Germany and in just a few hours' drive you can be in Milan. Of course, the surrounding area with its natural landscapes, beautiful lakes and the Alps is a real eye-catcher and invites you to many leisure activities in summer and winter. Of course, you can enjoy these all the more with a pretty escort. Numerous escort services are located in Munich and are happy to help you find the right companion.

A highlight and something that should not be missing from any visitor's programme to Munich is the Oktoberfest. For some a culture shock - for others a hard test of their liver's capacity. Many escort services also offer escorts in sexy Dirndln during these weeks. Guests from all over the world are drawn to the Theresienwiese. Gentlemen from Japan, America or Italy especially like to show themselves in Bavarian Lederhosen. The female sex dresses up in a chic Dirndl and proudly shows off the many "Holz vor der Hüttn".

Let yourself be seduced by amateur whores, hookers and prostitutes for sex in Munich

The whores and hookers are also waiting to make you happy with sex in Munich. Whether with sex, eroticism or other dirty games. From the numerous amateur whores and call girls you can take advantage of all the erotic services you can imagine. Whether at your home, in a hotel or wherever you want. You can tell them your most intimate wishes and you will find out that they speak freely too. The women are very different, whether young and innocent or mature and experienced. From amateurs to pocket money ladies to professional prostitutes and everything in between. Here you will find everything from a tender erotic massage to extensive hot sex in Munich in private flats, small personal studios or a large temple of eroticism. The brothels & nudist clubs, playhouses & whorehouses in Munich are also waiting for you here. They offer you their professional services all day and night for your adventure with the hottest sex fantasies. A visit is always worthwhile, the ladies approach you with a smile and for every preference there is a specialist in their profession. Just click through our different categories and dive into our world of sexual desire, lust and depravity and enjoy sex in Munich as you have never experienced it before. Just look through the profiles and choose a lady who knows what you need. In their profiles they show you what you can expect from them, down to the horniest detail. They offer you their services openly and wait for a non-binding adventure with you!

You want to live out your fetishes while having sex in Munich?

With us, you can really get sex to suit every taste, so we also have ladies with extravagant fetishes. You will also find real dominas and BDSM in Munich who are waiting to live out your preferences with you. You will find a suitable playmate or mistress for female domination, spanking, submission or bondage. offers you femdom, slaves, fetish escorts or a mistress with whom you can experience lustful torment in Munich! And if you think that's all, that' s only the beginning. There are more ladies for sex in Munich waiting for you like trannies, TS & shemales in Munich or girls for gangbang & bukkake or a sex party in Munich.

Discover it for yourself, go on a discovery tour through the many sex contacts on Let yourself be seduced and experience sex in Munich the way you've always wanted to!


What makes and the network special?

With our brothel community, we want to bring the oldest business in the world and sex into the 21st century and the city of your choice. Our network consists of escorts, amateur whores & hookers as well as brothels, sex and swingers clubs all over Germany. The sex contacts are very diverse: from pretty models from Hamburg to young students who offer their services as pocket money ladies besides their studies, dominas who wait in their SM studios and professional brothels. Everyone will find what they are looking for. We also offer various events and clubs, as well as an exciting sex magazine. You can register for free and in just a few minutes. Afterwards you have access to the countless erotic personals and can also advertise yourself or your business.

Brothels & nudist clubs, playhouses or whorehouses in your city

As a client, you will find the best brothels & nudist clubs, playhouses and whorehouses or studios where you can pay a spontaneous visit today. Here you can live out your erotic fantasies and fetishes, experience sensual massages with a happy ending and much more. From small establishments to exorbitant erotic temples, they all make your erotic wishes come true. There is a suitable offer for everyone, because in addition to pure sex, many also offer you role-play, threesomes, gangbangs, oral sex, anal sex, BDSM and much more. On you will find an overview of different brothels & swingers clubs in your area that are professionally dedicated to all kinds of sex. If you run a brothel or sex studio yourself, you can register and advertise it on our site.

Erotic contacts to amateur whores, pocket money ladies & hookers

In addition to the professional brothels & sex clubs, you will find contacts from amateur whores & hookers. Pretty girls for every taste offer their services privately and can publish pictures and information about themselves in their own sex ad. If you are looking for a private and discreet erotic adventure, you will have a good chance to meet a horny housewife, student or single woman on, who earns some extra money by playing dirty as an amateur whore. The course of the sex meeting and the type of game is up to you. Some of the pocket money ladies can be visited, others come to you or meet you in a hotel. As a amateur whore or dominatrix who offers love for sale, you are in the right place: register now for free!

Find escorts and escort agencies near you with us

Nowhere else will you find such a large selection of beautiful escorts as with us. We offer you a directory of agencies and independent escorts throughout Germany. Whether as a stylish and charming escort to social occasions such as a reception or to a nice dinner or even as an escort for a swingers club.The ladies offer various services: erotic massages, oral sex, anal sex, S&M, BDSM, fetish, striptease and fantasies.  But our sexy escorts are also available for a nice chat. Some also have their own flat or travel to you to stay overnight. Agencies and independent escorts can register with us and create an ad!

Erotic massages from experienced masseuses

Relax completely with an erotic massage. On you will find ladies who offer you intimate offers for a full body massage for adults. From a sensual Tantra massage to a prostate massage, you'll find it all. Increase your pleasure immeasurably and experience orgasms like never before. Some ladies who dedicate themselves to sensitive massage have developed their very own form of pampering massage. Let yourself be enchanted by these and other erotic adventures and make an appointment today for an unforgettable experience with an erotic massage.

Our erotic magazine

Discover our magazine! Here, too, it's all about sex and all sorts of other things. Here you will find erotic sex stories, we regularly present our escort of the month and report on the latest trends and topics around the topics of love, sex and lifestyle. We also inform you about various events and clubs in your area in our Kaufmich magazine.